Visit "Where can I get vaccinated" or call 1-877-COVAXCO (1-877-268-2926) for vaccine information.


Board of Directors

The District is governed by a five member Board of Directors who are publicly elected and serve four year terms. Elections are held on odd years. 

The Directors meet on the second Monday of every month at 6:30 PM. Meetings take place remotely and occasionally also in the Three Lakes Water &, Sanitation Office located at 1111 CR 48, Grand Lake, CO 80447. Individual agendas will note if in-person meeting is also available. These meetings are held to approve and review policy, consider new and pending business, approve payables and review any other matters of interest to the Board. Interested parties and Public are encouraged to attend any meeting of the Board.

Contact the District Manager one week in advance of the meeting date if you wish a topic be placed on the agenda for discussion.

MATT REED - Chairman
Term Expiration: 2025
MIKE GOLDEN - Vice Chairman
Term Expiration: 2027
SCOTT HUFF - Secretary/Treasurer
Term Expiration: 2027
Term Expiration: 2025
MARK GIBSON - Director
Term Expiration: 2027